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Friday, June 27, 2014

Rana Plaza disaster: call for UK retailers about compensation fund press

Aerial view of the construction site of Rana Plaza, after it in April 2013, crashed in the deaths of more than 1.100. Photo: Munir Uz Zaman/AFP/Getty Images
The TUC calls for the British Government ramp pressure on dealers who produce clothes in Bangladesh to help reduce a relief fund for the victims of the Rana Plaza, the factory.
Next week a high-level international meeting of the Organization for economic cooperation and development (OECD) in Paris, will discuss Rana Plaza after the disaster in which more than 1,100 people died and many others were injured.
More than a year after the factory building reduced, nearly 17 million $ (£10 m), been killed paid into a compensation fund supported by the International Labour Organisation well behind the $40 m, that which it is aimed, increase to support injured and the families of those.
Primark donated by far the largest share of these resources while other companies have a presence in Rana Plaza, including Chilean Britain and Italy Benetton admitted, managed to make every contribution.
Frances O'Grady, General Secretary of the TUC is the International Development Secretary, Justine greening, calls use the meeting to pressure written on British companies sourcing from Bangladesh, the funds to pay.
"Families that strongly, be affected by this disaster without the income or medical payments, which they deserve and need, for their lives to rebuild," she wrote.
The majority of the victims claims should be processed in the next few weeks. O'Grady, said it would be impossible to cover their payments over the first installment, if not more money.
The Government could not confirm whether greening or Alan Duncan, the Minister of State for the Department for international development (DfiD), which would attend OECD Paris.
However a spokesman for DfiD, the Summit to the underline the need for companies to use a "serious contribution" to the compensation fund.
"British companies have to stop and wonder if they do everything they can." They have the power to bring about profound and positive change, and we will continue every opportunity to encourage them, to this Act", he said.

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