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Thursday, July 10, 2014

"Hilarious" airline complaint letter goes viral

The most airlines lawsuit, which are filled with letters so with anger and stories of suffering, it is hard to see any humor in the situation.
But that is not the case with a letter to LIAT, a small airline 21 destinations in the Caribbean. The complaint made, in a letter to the airline, it is so funny that there is a another airline CEO Tweet it asked for his more than 3 million followers.
"How to write-up a complaint - this funny note from a frustrated passenger read" tweeted Sir Richard Branson, founder of Virgin Group.
He also blogged.
Not all letters to airlines are complaining. Check out this letter to Delta CEO, after he pick up his seat for a mother of their daughter from a special needs camp late.
The LIAT letter appeared in the British Virgin Islands weekly newspaper, the BVI beacon, earlier this year.
The letter was written by London Arthur Hicks and titled "An open letter to LIAT."
Dear LIAT,
I can tell how closely you allow your passengers is a comprehensive and thorough tour of the Caribbean.
Most other airlines, which I would like which traveled, just rather hastily from point A to B bring me. I was fascinated that we were allowed yesterday am not low one or two but a magnificent six airports to stop. And who wants to fly on the same plane all the time? We have to change and recharge every step of the way!
I especially sampling of the security scanner at each airport enjoyed. I find it absurd to imagine that the people they all be equal. And what is sampled by a variety of island residents, well, I feel as if I already embraced by the majority of the Caribbean have been. I found it also unique that all this, just in time "island was done", because I like having to absorb the atmosphere of various departure lounges. How on our arrival, well, who wants to have a ferry at the end all to take, that fly anyway? I'm glad that the boat away was long time, we arrived in Tortola gestern-- and that all these sounds were closed bars and restaurants.
Thank you, LIAT. I now really understand why you're "The Caribbean airline."
P.S. keep you the bag. I never liked anyway it.
Branson himself was once the receiver what some think is the most epic airline complaint letter of ever. At this writing, the author compares his flight on Virgin with a "culinary journey of hell."
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