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Sunday, July 6, 2014

Blue Mountains Bushfire: Bürgermeister begrüßt Aktion zur Verteidigung Fehler

State Mine fireThe State me fire spread quickly and destroyed 50,000 hectares and three houses around the blue mountains. Photo: Paul Miller/AAPThe Blue Mountains mayor welcomed failures, the last year's devastating bushfires in NSW - world heritage site triggered the investigation of defence force.
The damning report, released on Tuesday, outlines how defence force personnel have been killed, by exploding shrapnel as they attempted, contain the fire on a military area with unexploded ordnance littered graphic detail.
The blaze began around noon on 16 October 2013 - a day of 'high' bushfire danger - as officers and students at Marrangaroo army base located near Lithgow blew up two stacks of eight high explosive anti tank rounds, the past their operational date of use.
The so-called State me fire, as it became known, spread quickly and destroyed 50,000 hectares and three houses around the blue mountains.
It came as dozens of other fires in NSW, amid soaring temperatures raged. Purgatory destroyed 248 houses, two fatalities and damage in tens of millions of dollars.
"During the fires, I called on the defence force, an open and honest look at what happened, and be ready to draw the lessons, and they have done the" Blue Mountain Mayor, Mark Greenhill, told ABC Radio on Wednesday.
"Do so, instead of the normal political and the switch to kill minus I really welcome, the investigation and I am welcome the fact that they have adopted 19 of the 20 recommendations."
The report to the 20 recommendations, the defence has accepted 19 and is considering 20. The recommendations are a better eye on defense explosives and more attention to the weather and fire risk reviews.
Defence said: "By the Commission of inquiry, Defense taking preventive measures aimed at improving is training the fire at Marrangaroo."
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